Assessment and Monitoring of Local Climate Regulation in Cities by Green Infrastructure—A National Ecosystem Service Indicator for Germany
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area and Input Data
2.1.1. Study Area
2.1.2. Input Data
2.2. Methodology
2.2.1. Assessing Cooling Capacity
2.2.2. Supply and Demand of the ES “Local Climate Regulation in Cities”
- The urban green infrastructure (UGI), which has a high potential for reducing heat stress by its natural cooling capacity;
- The proportion of inhabitants that can benefit from UGI cooling potential near their homes, workplaces or other areas where they frequently congregate.
2.3. Application of Original CCA Methodology
2.3.1. Basic Methodology
2.3.2. Identification of Cities ≥ 50,000 Inhabitants
2.3.3. Assigning Land Cover Classes to Soil Cover Types
2.3.4. Consideration of Urban Tree Cover
2.3.5. Size of the Soil Cover Types
2.4. Model Adaptations
2.4.1. Identifying the Neighbourhood around Cooling Green Areas
2.4.2. Integration of Population Data
3. Results
3.1. Cooling Capacity at Local Level
3.2. Cooling Capacity at National Level
3.3. Ecosystem Service Indicator “Local Climate Regulation in Cities”
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Data Name and Source | Time Period | Available Information | Spatial Scale |
Land cover model Germany LBM-DE [29] | 2018 | Polygons: area size Land/soil cover | Minimum mapping unit 0.2–1 ha |
Cities > 50,000 inhabitants [30] | 2011 | City and IDs | 1: 25,000 |
Administrative areas VG25 [31] | 2016 | Polygons: city boundaries | 1: 25,000 |
Functional Urban Areas (FUA) of Urban Atlas [32] | 2018 | Polygons of the FUA areas | |
Street Tree Layer of Urban Atlas (STL) [32] | 2018 | Polygon data of tree coverage (trees outside the forest) | 10 m × 10 m |
Urban Green Raster Germany (UGR) [33] | 2018 | Raster data of tree coverage classes | 10 m × 10 m |
Green volume data for 4 cities [34,35] | 2017/18 | Raster data of green leave area for calibration | 0.5 m × 0.5 m |
Census: number of inhabitants [36] | 2011 | Raster distribution data Resident population | 100 m × 100 m |
Tree Cover 1 | Soil Cover Type 2 | Cooling Value Points (Atlantic Climate) | |
Soil Cover Type Area < 2 ha | Soil Cover Type Area ≥ 2 ha | ||
≤20% | Sealed (impervious surfaces) | 11 | 20 |
Bare soil | 18 | 65 | |
Heterogeneous cover | 19 | 68 | |
Grass (low vegetation) | 19 | 68 | |
Water surface | 20 | 75 | |
≤40% | Sealed (impervious surfaces) | 22 | 40 |
Bare soil | 27 | 74 | |
Heterogeneous cover | 28 | 76 | |
Grass (low vegetation) | 28 | 78 | |
Water surface | 28 | 81 | |
≤60% | Sealed (impervious surfaces) | 29 | 60 |
Bare soil | 33 | 83 | |
Heterogeneous cover | 36 | 84 | |
Grass (low vegetation) | 37 | 85 | |
Water surface | 37 | 87 | |
≤80% | Sealed (impervious surfaces) | 37 | 80 |
Bare soil | 44 | 91 | |
Heterogeneous cover | 46 | 92 | |
Grass (low vegetation) | 46 | 93 | |
Water surface | 46 | 94 | |
≤100% | Sealed (impervious surfaces) | 55 | 100 |
Bare soil | 55 | 100 | |
Heterogeneous cover | 55 | 100 | |
Grass (low vegetation) | 55 | 100 | |
Water surface | 55 | 100 | |
Forest | 55 | 100 |
CCA Soil Cover Types | LBM-DE (CLC) Land Cover Classes | Description |
Sealed (impervious surfaces) | 111, 121, 122, 123, 124 | Urban settlement, industry, and transportation areas |
Bare soil | 131, 211, 331, 332, 333, 334 | Mining, arable land, rocky areas, beaches |
Heterogeneous cover (mixed cover of bare soil and shrubs, typical of gardens, inner courts or vacant lots) | 112, 132, 133, 142 | Non-continuous residential areas, deposits, construction, sports and leisure facilities |
Grass (low vegetation) | 141, 221, 222, 231, 321, 322, 333, 324 | Green urban areas, vineyards, orchards, grasslands, moors and heathland, sparse vegetation, transitional woodland-shrub |
Water | 411, 412, 421, 423, 511, 512, 521, 522, 523 | Marshes, peat bogs, intertidal flats, water courses, water bodies, lagoons, sea |
Forest | 311, 312, 313 | Broad-leaved, coniferous and mixed forests |
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Share and Cite
Syrbe, R.-U.; Meier, S.; Moyzes, M.; Dworczyk, C.; Grunewald, K. Assessment and Monitoring of Local Climate Regulation in Cities by Green Infrastructure—A National Ecosystem Service Indicator for Germany. Land 2024, 13, 689.
Syrbe R-U, Meier S, Moyzes M, Dworczyk C, Grunewald K. Assessment and Monitoring of Local Climate Regulation in Cities by Green Infrastructure—A National Ecosystem Service Indicator for Germany. Land. 2024; 13(5):689.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSyrbe, Ralf-Uwe, Sophie Meier, Michelle Moyzes, Claudia Dworczyk, and Karsten Grunewald. 2024. "Assessment and Monitoring of Local Climate Regulation in Cities by Green Infrastructure—A National Ecosystem Service Indicator for Germany" Land 13, no. 5: 689.
APA StyleSyrbe, R.-U., Meier, S., Moyzes, M., Dworczyk, C., & Grunewald, K. (2024). Assessment and Monitoring of Local Climate Regulation in Cities by Green Infrastructure—A National Ecosystem Service Indicator for Germany. Land, 13(5), 689.