Stötzner, S.; Bloch, M.; Schlesinger, K.; Flemming, D.; Kretschmer, A.; Huxmann, N.; Ortlepp, R.; Knippschild, R.; Rößler, S.; Zöllter, C.; Dziumla, J.; Stölzel, F. (2024): Sachbericht NewCityConcepts – Strukturwandel nachhaltig und regional gestalten. Hoyerswerda: Stadt Hoyerswerda.
Aufsätze (Auswahl)
Albrecht, J. (2024): Auf die richtige Verzahnung kommt es an. Landesklimagesetze und kommunale Klimaanpassung. In: politische ökologie, 176(42), 26-33
Albrecht, J. (2024): Umweltrechtliche Anforderungen an die kleine Wasserkraft im Spannungsfeld zwischen Klimaschutz und Biodiversität. In: Natur und Recht, 46(5), 306-319.
Albrecht, J. (Online First 2024): Climate adaptation law: a European perspective. In: China-EU Law Journal.
Baatz, A. (Online First 2024): Transforming practices through social learning: change and stability, collectivity and materiality. In: Environmental Education Research.
Behnisch, M.; Krüger, T.; Jehling, M. (Online First 2024): Editorial to the Special Issue “Limiting urban sprawl: Relations between spatial trends, drivers, and planning policies”. In: Land Use Policy.
Blum, A. (2024): Baby-Boomer, Einfamilienhäuser und Ressourcen. Demographische Herausforderungen der Entwicklung und Weiternutzung bestehender Siedlungsstrukturen. In: Nachrichten der ARL, 53(02-03/2023), 21-26.
Brenner, A.-K.; Haas, W.; Rudloff, C.; Lorenz, F.; Wieser, G.; Haberl, H.; Wiedenhofer, D.; Pichler, M. (2024): How experiments with superblocks in Vienna shape climate and health outcomes and interact with the urban planning regime. In: Journal of Transport Geography, 116: 103862.
De Castro Mazarro, A.; Kurth, M.; Tran, T. H. (Online First 2024): How Is Mutual-Help Housing Participatory? A Critical Discourse Analysis of Socio-Spatial Responses to Informality in Chile and Brazil. In: Housing, Theory and Society.
Della Chiesa, S.; Sikder, Sujit K. (2024): Rethinking Data Management Planning: Introducing Research Output Management Planning (ROMPi) Approach. In: Data Science Journal, 23: 34.
Eichhorn, S.; Ehrhardt, D.; Münter, A.; Behnisch, M.; Jehling, M. (Online First 2024): Understanding land take by low-density residential areas: An institutionalist perspective on local planning authorities, developers and households. In: Land Use Policy.
Georgia, D. M.C.; Khomenko, S.; Adlakha, D.; Anenberg, S.; Behnisch, M.; Boeing, G.; Esperon-Rodriguez, M.; Gasparrini, A.; Khreis, H.; Kondo, M. C.; Masselot, P.; McDonald, R. I.; Montana, F.; Mitchell, R.; Mueller, N.; Nawaz, M. O.; Pisoni, E.; Prieto-Curiel, R.; Rezaei, N.; Taubenböck, H.; Tonne, C.; Velázquez-Cortés, D.; Nieuwenhuijsen, M. (Online First 2024): Exploring the nexus of urban form, transport, environment and health in large-scale urban studies: a state-of-the-art scoping review. In: Environmental Research.
Grunewald, K. (2024): Warum Ökosystem-Accounting wichtig, aber kompliziert ist. In: Tagesspiegel Background.
Hänchen, L.; Hecht, R.; Reiter, D.; Rieche, T.; Pajares, E.; Seisenberger, S.; Gnädinger, J.; Plail, A.; Bareiss, L. (2024): Indicators for Assessing the Supply, Demand and Accessibility of Urban Green Spaces in the Context of a Planning Instrument. In: JoDLA – Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, 9-2024, 460-470.
Hörner, M.; Cischinsky, H.; Behnisch, M.; Busch, R.; Bischof, J.; Rodenfels, M.; Hartmann, A.; Hecht, R.; Meinel, G.; Schorcht, M.; Schwarz, S.; Spars, G.; Tigges, A.-K. (2024): Exploring an unknown: Representative sample survey on structure and energy-related quality of the non-residential building stock in Germany. In: Building and Environment, 255: 111407.
Hossu, C. A.; Artmann, M.; Saito, T.; Van Lierop, M.; Ioja, C. I.; Pauleit, S. (Online First 2024): Understanding residents' engagement for the protection of urban green spaces by enriching the value-belief-norm theory with relational values – A case study of Munich (Germany). In: People and Nature.
Hutter, G.; Olfert, A.; Rößler, S. (2024): Wie Dresden ein Pionier wurde. Erfolgsfaktoren der klimaangepassten Stadtentwicklung. In: politische ökologie, 176(42), 69-75.
Kim, T.; Lee, J.-Y.; Song, S.-K.; Song, J.; Kim, G.; Kwon, Y.; Hong, S.; Neubert, M.; Wende, W. (2024): Integrated Management Plan for Local Government Land-Environment Planning Considering Carbon Neutrality. In: KEI Research Briefs, 12(1), 3-9.
Korzhenevych, A. (2024): Speaking of success: Real-world experiments for sustainability transformations and causal inference. In: GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 33(S1), 87-93.
Maiwald, L.; Jaskólski, M. W.; Knippschild, R.; Rößler, S. (2024): Shaping and Strengthening the Regenerative Potential for Local Climate Neutrality. Insights and Reflection From a Transdisciplinary Project in the City of Görlitz. In: Maudsley, A.; Wallsten, B. (Eds.): Towards Regenerative Neighbourhoods: European Cases, Insights, and Initiatives. Vienna: Driving Urban Transitions Partnership, 58-63.
Mühlethaler, R.; Köthe, S.; Hörren, T.; Sorg, M.; Eichler, L.; Lehmann, G. U. C. (2024): No recovery in the biomass of flying insects over the last decade in German nature protected areas. In: Ecology and Evolution, 14(3): e11182.
Neumann, M.; Ehnert, F. (2024): Knowledge re-integration in real-world laboratories to transform cities and communities: report on workshop designs. In: Research Ideas and Outcomes, 10: e124018.
Pannicke-Prochnow, N.; Albrecht, J. (Online First 2024): Unsealing: Benefits, Potentials, Legal Provisions and Funding: The German Experience. In: Ginzky, H.; De Andrade Corrêa, F.; Dooley, E.; Heuser, I. L.; Kameri-Mbote, P.; Kibugi, R.; Ruppel, O. C. (Eds.): International Yearbook of Soil Law and Policy 2022. volume 2022. Cham: Springer Nature, 83-106.
Pilz, M.; Friedrich, K.; Rößler, S. (2024): Die Koproduktion sozialer Infrastrukturen in Ankunftsquartieren. Borderscapes in ostdeutschen Großwohnsiedlungen. In: sub\urban, 12(1), 65-96.
Pütz, M.; Rößler, S.; Warner, B. (2024): Stadt- und Regionalplanung im Klimawandel. Herausfordernd vielfältig. In: politische ökologie, 176(42), 17-24.
Ribeiro, F. L.; Li, Y.; Born, S.; Rybski, D. (2024): Analytical solution for the long- and short-range every-pair-interactions system. In: Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 183: 114771.
Rommel, M.; Mewes, S.; Wulffen, C. von; Paech, N.; Reiß, K. (2024): Grundzüge gemeinschaftsgetragenen Unternehmertums. In: Ökologisches Wirtschaften, 39(1), 30-36.
Schiller, G.; Gruhler, K. (2024): Strengthening Circular Urbanization Based on Regional Material Cadastres. In: Ha-Minh, C.; Pham, C. H.; Vu, H. T. H.; Huynh, D. V. K. (eds.): Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Geotechnics, Civil Engineering and Structures, CIGOS 2024, 4-5 April, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (LNCE, volume 482). Singapore: Springer, 1278-1286.
Schünemann, C.; Johanning, S.; Herold, H.; Bruckner, T. (Online First 2024): Modelling the behaviour in socio-technical systems for policy assessment - A comparison of modelling approaches using the example of Sponge City concept implementation. In: Journal of Cleaner Production.
Schünemann, C.; Kriesten, T. F.; Moderow, U.; Ziemann, A. (2024): Impact of outdoor heat adaptation on indoor thermal conditions – Combining microscale urban climate and building performance simulation. In: Climate Risk Management, 44: 100615.
Syrbe, R.-U.; Meier, S.; Moyzes, M.; Dworczyk, C.; Grunewald, K. (2024): Assessment and Monitoring of Local Climate Regulation in Cities by Green Infrastructure – A National Ecosystem Service Indicator for Germany. In: Land, 13(5): 689.
Walz, U.; Eichler, L. (2024): Geschützte Flächen für Natur- und Artenschutz. In: Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung, 56(06), 10-11.
Wang, H.; Zhang, N.; Duan, H.; Dong, L. (2024): Pathways to sound management of excavated soil and rock: A case study in Shenzhen. In: Journal of Cleaner Production, 458: 142383.
Zhang, N.; Gruhler, K.; Schiller, G. (Online First 2024): Assessing the impact of technical innovation on circular economy in the built environment by using cMFA-based system dynamics approach. In: Journal of Building Engineering.
Zhang, N.; Liu, G.; Li, Xiang; Duan, H.; Gruhler, K.; Schiller, G. (2024): Multi-typology and multi-scale maps of the in-use building material stock in China. In: Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 204: 107517.
Diskussionspapiere/Working Paper
Haase, M.; Xiao, S.; Wende, W. (2024): GIS based Ecosystem Service Supply Assessment - A short Technical Instruction. Dresden: IÖR.
Haase, M.; Xiao, S.; Wende, W. (2024): GIS based Potential Flood Hazard Assessment - A short Technical Instruction. Dresden: IÖR.
Pennekamp, S.; Falkenburg, V.; Furkert, M.; Mertens, M.; Korzhenevych, A.; Alimov, N. (2024): Daten für die Umsetzung des Bundesraumordnungsplans für den Hochwasserschutz (1.0). Hannover: ARL.
Thonicke, K.; Rahner, E.; Arneth, A.; Bonn, A.; Borchard, N.; Chaudhary, A.; Darbi, M.; Dutta, T.; Eberle, U.; Eisenhauer, N.; Farwig, N.; Flocco, C. G.; Freitag, J.; Grobe, P.; Grosch, R.; Grossart, H. P.; Grosse, A.; Grützmacher, K.; Hagemann, N.; Hansjürgens, B.; Hartman Scholz, A.; Hassenrück, C.; Häuser, C.; Hickler, T.; Hölker, F.; Jacob, U.; Jähnig, S.; Jürgens, K.; Kramer-Schadt, S.; Kretsch, C.; Krug, C.; Lindner, J. P.; Loft, L.; Mann, C.; Matzdorf, B.; Mehring, M.; Meier, R.; Meusemann, K.; Müller, D.; Nieberg, M.; Overmann, J.; Peters, R. S.; Pörtner, L.; Pradhan, P.; Prochnow, A.; Rduch, V.; Reyer, C.; Roos, C.; Scherber, C.; Scheunemann, N.; Schroer, S.; Schuck, A.; Sioen, G. B.; Sommer, S.; Sommerwerk, N.; Tanneberger, F.; Tockner, K.; van der Voort, H.; Veenstra, T.; Verburg, P.; Voss, M.; Warner, B.; Wende, W.; Wesche, K. (2024): 10 Must Knows from Biodiversity Science 2024. Potsdam: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research e. V.. |